FREE consciousness accelerator
What City of Consciousness Am I Experiencing?
When I first begun my spiritual awakening I had one question that continuously popped up in my mind. “How far am I along this path?” This accelerator has been created to help anyone undergoing a spiritual awakening to gauge their progress.
The path may or may not be linear. Also I may be at alternate stages of consciousness in different areas of my life. Areas taken into account here are: Spiritual, Health, Wealth, Relationships and Lifestyle. I may be nearing enlightenment in creation of heaven on earth in my health and behind in my wealth.
This consciousness accelerator has been created from my personal experience of transcending the life in each of these “cities.” No city is meant to be better than the other. The sole intention is to create reference points to monitor my tracendance on my journey to enlightenment. There may be more levels and will be added as they are revealed.
Finally, from what has been revealed to me enlightenment is not a destination, it is a practice. As embodiment occurs the journey becomes increasingly enjoyable and brings about levels of bliss that are unimaginable to the unawakened.
Lastly, the results of this personality test are meant to cause introspection so that I can consider who I am being at any given moment. I may choose to upgrade my answers to the questions and instantaneously take on new beliefs which will raise my consciousness.
Sometimes I get all the way to my intended destination and I fall back to sleep and return to Dronesville. Then I start again, knowing that I can return to any city of consciousness I choose immediately. There is a catch I must solve the puzzle to move to the next stage – What is the difference between “Who am I being?” in this moment to “Who would I be being as I am in this higher state of consciousness?” This paragraph may cause confusion. If so GREAT! The mind is taking on a new paradigm.
I hope that everyone who takes this assessment gets as much enjoyment as I do. From the bottom of my heart hope that each person reviews these stages and chooses which city they’d like to live in and intentional moves that direction. Evolved Lyfe was created to remind myself how to experience heaven on earth. I believe that anyone who embodies the essence of this sacred knowledge will too experience Heaven on Earth.
As these are spiritual practices please take all information from them as pastoral advice. The participant is always his best teacher. Sound judgement must be made by each person who endeavors on their own path.
Please note, I thought to create city names for the different experiences of consciousness. Using the word level or stage seemed to denote that one was better than the other, or that one would have to transcend through them on a linear path. Neither of which is true. Just like the city I live in is a choice, so is my consciousness. Just as I can move from the slums to a luxury high rise on the beach without living in a gated community so can I jump to new levels of awareness. I’ve broken each city down based on my experience, speech, health, driving factors to leave or stay, fastest way to upgrade/get out of town. My speech, health or experience may be in slightly different cities. For example, it is possible that my health has yet to catch up with my experience, or experience has yet to catch up with my health. Each area of my life could actually be in a different city. When a city doesn’t resonate with my test results I check to see which city I am in each life area.
Citizen – I live there and am part of the culture
Resident – I live there and I am learning the culture
Alien – I live there and I am impressing my culture on their culture more than I am learning the culture.
Visitor – I am there for observation and I am giving of my gifts.
Intruder – I am there to take, I withhold my gifts
I always enjoy reading about all of the cities to remind me of which I am a citizen. Only through conscious awareness of my matching intuition and thoughts can I choose which state I reside in.
When I think about rules which answer is most relevant?
When confronted with conflict I...
Common words & phrases I and those around me use are:
My health could be described as:
When people are around me:
My work is best described as:
My financial situation is best described as:
My friends would describe me as
When I think about money
My spiritual practice includes
I might feel like have no idea what’s going to happen next. I am probably spending time watching TV, sleeping and feeling depressed.
When I wake up I may be happy or sad. I don’t really think about it much. As time passes me by everything just seems to happen around me I have no say in the matter. Mostly I just make an effort to stay out of the way. I keep my thoughts to myself and pretty much all I find myself saying is sorry, please and excuse me. Life often feels like it's just happening around me. It’s possible that up until now I never gave life much thought. I am just here going through the motions.
The few people that I do know are stuck. Sometimes, I feel like the people I love reject me. I start to feel unwanted and maybe even like a burden. People may even tell me that I am in the way. To which I will reply, “sorry.”
My mind, my thoughts? I don’t think I ever pay attention to what I am thinking.
My emotions, I’m most likely unaware of my emotions or suppress them.
I am in a constant state of fear. When I am a citizen of Dronesville I’m actually not even aware of this. When others tell me I worry too much I might dismiss them or argue that they don’t know what it’s like to be me.
My health is suffering. I could have so much more energy, strength, agility and vitality. I have no idea on how to get maximum performance out of my body. Death will one day come for me and I'm hanging on for dear life until the day it does, not enjoying the ride.
The great news is that leaving Dronesville can happen very quickly. All it takes is increasing my awareness around my own thoughts, emotions and sensations. Just by reading the detailed cities of consciousness report it will reveal the choices I can make to move into a higher city of consciousness. You can get the full report here.
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Things can get heavy at times and it sure does seem like I’m going uphill most of the time. The great news is my consciousness has been awoken. I am aware of what is happening around me and use deductive reasoning to draw solid conclusions. Often it feels like the world is happening to me. I feel like there is enormous pressure preventing me from feeling my desires. I have no idea what it is. I might point my finger towards “the man” or “the system.” It may be a group of people and it may even be pointed at friends, family, job, children or my partner who seems to be telling me what to do. There is no pleasing them and I feel unloved, unsupported and unappreciated. I may also feel like I am always giving and never receiving - this is far from the reality I could be living but getting there seems so far away.
I think often of the things wrong with the world. Usually, what others - people, companies, groups, coaches & players could do better. Often I feel frustrated, overwhelmed and at times even angry. I can’t do things and blame my health - for example:
I cannot focus because of my ADD.
I cannot exercise because of my back.
I cannot get out of bed because I am tired.
The great news is that you have already begun the journey. The journey only begins to accelerate so long as I am willing to take the next steps. More on the next steps are available in the full Cities of Consciousness Report and take the next step in your awakening process.
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After leaving Victimhood this city can feel like a huge breakout. The world is full of possibility, yet still has many challenges. I am getting by even if I am on the edge at times. I wobble back and forth from between getting ahead and falling behind.
In Survival City I can create from a place of action. I’m doing as much as I can because I am not sure what is giving me results. When I hustle I stay a little ahead, when I take a break or something unexpected happens I get knocked behind.
I’m thinking about getting by, catching up or getting ahead. I have lots to do so I have lots to think about. I can work through most any pain that I may be in. When I do get sick it catches up to me and I’ll be back in action before I am fully recovered. I am a proud of this because “hey, the struggle is real bro!” After awhile, I feel like I am on a hamster wheel and I can get tired or depleted, maybe even discouraged.
Things really begin to transform for me when I begin to shift my attention towards working smarter. I was trapped here for awhile as I had an illusion of progress, but it was slow and uncertain. To learn the secrets to rapidly discover how to shift your attention and begin working smarter get the full Cities of Consciousness Report.
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I am really starting to become aware. I can take care of myself and I want to make the world a better place. Now that I have this level of understanding I have a desire to help others. I start to give more of myself to my partner, friends, family and I may become active in social justice projects or charity - even if on a small level.
My mind is pretty busy most of the time and sometimes prevents me from considering or choosing from my heart. When I speak it is usually about others. Often the less fortunate and how I’d like to help them. I’ve awakened to the idea that we are all connected. I am often upset about the “man” or the “system” holding people down.
I start to become increasingly health conscious and consider what foods I am putting in my body. Experimenting with different diets is at times challenging but I am seeing changes in my body.
This is an empowering place to live yet it feels like whack-a-mole with so many different issues in the world. I may feel anxious or angry at times. My capacity for helping others is limited as I am attempting to change the world from the outside in rather than the inside out. This sometimes results in failure and even resentment when they do not respond how I had hoped. The full Cities of Consciousness Report reveals how to transcend this city so that I can have a greater impact on the world.
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I’ve crossed into the first stages of Heaven. My heart intentions are coming into reality and I have others supporting me in my creation. When I speak it has a ripple effect and gets people moving into intentional creative action. I have built a life that supports my heart intentions and they are coming into reality with increasing fun ease and grace.
My dominant thoughts are supporting my life vision. Guarding my thought is extremely important to my success. My work is far from over as I am looking for an expansion. Their is another level and I can taste it. I may or may not know what that is for me. I can learn how to reveal how I can lead on a whole new level in the Cities of Consciousness Full Report
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This is fun. I am living in a world where people love and admire me for the contributions I am making. Having a positive impact on the lives of those around me and maybe even 1000’s is important to me.
I like to talk about the hero’s journey. I like to bring people through the drama of going from the bottom to the top. I bring people through the loop of the problem that exists and how my solution actually transforms their lives.
I feel like I am at the top, yet in my heart, I know there is a way I can impact more people. A feel calling to create more impact with less work. How to do this is revealed in the full Cities of Consciousness Report.
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Wow! Now that I’m on the top of the mountain I can coast right? Nope! This is where it all begins. Mastery is not a destination, it is a practice. I see the beauty and greatness in all things that are or are not. I notice paradox in everything that comes into my awareness. For the first time fleeting moments appear where I begin to understand what it means to take 100% responsibility. My intended manifestations come so quickly that I begin to pause on what I’d like to create. For every time I create something a little off hearts center I must destroy it to create something new.
I begin to see that I am truly creating this illusion. It is no longer just a theory. This is where the real work begins. I start to dive deeper into my innerworld, into the subtleties. I notice that I have been telling myself lies, I’ve been under many illusions. I can clear up these illusions by reading the full Cities of Consciousness Report.
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My mind is blown. I’ve surrendered to my own death. I’ve fused my masculine and feminine. The fire of life within burns. There are no more thoughts creating illusion - these are doubts, concerns. I am beyond judgement. There is no good or evil/right or wrong. I am hear to play, to love, to give. The vibration is so high I feel like my body may blown apart. When I first accessed this level I ran around saying OMG I am God for hours. For the first time I feel alive. I am awake, I am enlightened. Everything is perfect. My ego is dissolved. I feel an immense amount of power which can be used for creation or destruction.
To deepen my awareness and continue to expand is the only way to effectively stay in my Heaven. Several expansion techniques are outlined in the full Cities of Consciousness Report.
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